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Explore the Benefits of Solar Energy Beyond Lowering Your Electricity Costs


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Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for homeowners by reducing their energy expenses, advocating for the adoption of clean and sustainable energy sources, and providing exceptional service through our extensive network of solar installers.

Why You Should Consider

Federal Solar Tax Credit

The Federal Solar Tax Credit is a benefit for homeowners in the U.S. It covers 30% of the cost of your solar system, making it more cost-effective to switch to solar energy. It covers the following:

  • Solar panels or PV cells
  • Solar water heaters
  • Energy storage units, 3 kWh capacity or more
  • Contractor labor, including site prep and installation
  • Permit fees
  • Inspection costs
  • Developer fees

State Solar Incentives

Some states provide incentives for purchasing new solar systems, in addition to the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC).

State Tax Credits

Some states provide extra tax credits for buying solar systems. These credits are like the federal solar investment tax credit, but they are subtracted from state taxes instead. The tax credit amount differs depending on the state.

State Government Rebates

State governments offer rebates for solar energy, which are fixed amounts of money given to individuals who buy solar systems or other eligible solar technologies like solar water heaters and batteries. These rebates are usually accessible even if the homeowner doesn"t owe any federal taxes.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificate

As part of the EPA Green Power Partnership, a Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) is a solar incentive at the state level. SREC markets work by using renewable energy certificates to represent the rights to non-power aspects of renewable electricity generation. These certificates, known as SRECs, represent each megawatt-hour produced by solar systems.

In states with SREC markets, homeowners and businesses with solar systems can reduce their energy expenses by selling the associated SRECs to utility companies. The value of an SREC is determined by supply and demand, with a significant portion of the demand coming from electricity suppliers who need to meet their state"s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) or pay a compliance premium.

More Incentivies?

In addition to rebates and tax incentives from the government, there are many other ways to reduce the expenses of setting up solar panels.

Local Utility Rebates

Utility companies in the area frequently provide discounts for setting up a solar PV system. These discounts are not subject to income tax. The discount is deducted from the overall cost of the solar system before determining the solar tax credit.

Loans with financial assistance

State entities or local utility companies provide financial assistance through subsidized loans for purchasing solar panels. Customers can seek guidance from solar installers who are knowledgeable about the various local solar programs, including subsidized loan options.

Tax Exemptions

Homeowners and businesses can avoid paying extra property taxes on the added value of a solar system thanks to property tax exemptions. In certain states, local taxing authorities have the option to provide this tax break for solar installations.

Net Metering

Earn money by selling the extra solar energy generated by your solar panels back to the power company through the net metering program.


Now is the Perfect Time to Switch to Solar Energy

Find out the financial benefits of going solar and contributing to a greener planet

Tax credits and benefits at different government levels make it a good time to switch to solar power. Although solar systems can be expensive initially, the savings from these incentives and the long-term return on investment of solar panels can make it a smart choice.

Solar consumers can potentially save anywhere from $20,000 to $96,000 on their electricity costs throughout the lifespan of their solar panel system.


Save With Solar Energy